
Single Girls Rule The World

Ellen Degeneres
Ellen Degeneres
Welcome to 2010! Not just a new year but a brand new decade and I want to start 2010 with StyleTV praising all the stylishly powerful, single Guru’s out there! 🙂 Here’s to you!

There are many factors that have influenced why single women have decided to take control and lead their own lives. Everything from the rising cost of living to the lack of jobs has forced women to become more independent and influential talk Show hosts like Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah Winfrey and the View have also changed things for the better.

Regardless of whether you’re single or happily hooked up, women are taking the bull by the balls (or is it horns?) and not waiting for a man to determine the outcomes of their happiness. Nothing against you men of course! I love all you stylish wannabe gurus out there and I think every woman should own one. 🙂

Are we so entrenched in tradition that automatically assumes a young woman must marry by a certain age, have pop out a few munchkins, and follow in the foot steps of our parents and grand parents? Tough question and I know the answer depends on the individual. Before deciding, keep in mind the success or failures of our families relationships and that should give you more than a clue of what the hell to do. I for one, am no fan of contractual relationships, ha!

Just because you’re single doesn’t have to signify a transition period between finding your next partner. It’s okay to just BE SINGLE. Frankl, its the best time to do all the stylish things you’ve been putting of doing! Try rebuilding yourself to a new level. Or get on that project your last relationships for one reason or another prevented you from doing.

Take Sex and The City for example. It celebrates liberated women who showcase the highs and lows of single life.

Sex And The City
Sex And The City
With the exception of terminally horny Samantha, the rest of the single gals were always on the look out for ‘the one’ and seemed to feel lost in the big city, or incomplete without a man. Stylistically speaking, I tend to lean more towards Samantha. Hm, now that I think about it, maybe I’m terminally horny too.

Thank Goddess women today (at least in my LA world) are much more accepted living a lifestyle that until recently was only acceptable for men. In the not-so-recent past, it was quite acceptable for men to be free and single, but a single woman past the age of 30 was considered “expired” by many outdated thinkers. Hell, compared to my mom’s generation, I’m a royal slut! Their just jealous and old. It sure was fun earning the title.

Power Writer, Georgia Cassimatis
Power Writer, Georgia Cassimatis
Speaking of earnings, women are earning as much money as men and we’re business owners, filling executive career positions and running shit. And all that with Style! Hm, a new Style TV tee shirt perhaps? “Running Shit With Style”, LOL!

You won’t just hear it here folks. Many online journals for women’s tell us that single girls are well travelled, more experienced and that equals being happy and satisfied by the time we decide to settle down with one lucky, stylish, guru like you! That sure beats being forced by society to marry and have children by age 25. No wonder the divorce rate far exceeds successful marriages. Hello?

I’ll say it again, “Single girls rule the world.”